Saturday, May 8, 2010


I've been praying this week for God to give me a Spiritual Spinach column.
Today, I've been praying that he will give me columns that are powerful and beautiful. He's given them to me in the past.
I love it when he gives me a seed of an idea and then the rest of the column just comes on like a flood.
It's wonderful.
Is it wrong to say that it's almost addictive? I long for it.
Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to feel God. I hear people talk about feeling God's presence and hearing his voice.
I've always wanted to feel what I see on their faces.
I think God talks to me, but I think I hear him best when I'm writing. I love it when I get to the end of a column and find myself getting choked up by what I'm writing. It's not that I'm some great writer. I really believe he's giving me the words and they're flowing so smoothly and wonderfully.
I have sensed strength in his beauty.
Oh dear Lord,
Please open up your word to me. Please give me new and fresh revelation. Open my eyes. Raise up the Holy Spirit within me and speak to me.
Please help me to write columns that will speak to your people's needs. Please let these columns strengthen and encourage them. Help me not to be afraid to write anything you want me to write.
Please give me the peace that passes all understanding.
And thank you Lord for allowing me to do this.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

I hope you all have a great weekend!



  1. Asking God to bless you sweetly on Mother's Day.

  2. Love you my friend. I prayed your prayer along with you. You always bless me when I am able to visit here. He truly directs your pen!

